Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mission Accomplished

As most of you have probably guessed, I was able to complete my goal of visiting a house for every president before the end of the summer! 

Because I like to keep things exciting I visited my last presidential home, the Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace in New York City, on my way back to college for the fall semester. Now that I'm on my winter break, I finally have some time to reflect back on the entire experience.

The only word I can honestly use to describe last summer is magical. I have always wanted to travel and see more of the world, but my journey showed me that I never really even knew my own country. I went to so many wonderful places and met amazing people. But there are two people who I want to take the time and thank.

First, my dad, who created the best (and most detailed) travel itineraries. I honestly could not have physically seen everything I saw without his help, since the only way to see seven historical homes in one day is to keep to a strict schedule. He even got in on the action and saw many of the homes with me and gave insightful commentary on the places we visited. Basically, he's awesome.Thanks, Dad!

And my mom. She's a bit internet shy, but without her I wouldn't have gotten very far. I mean this both metaphorically and literally since she drove me all over the country. She also took the photos you see gracing this sight, used all her considerable charm to soften a few surly tour guides, and was the best travel companion anyone could ask for. She is wholly unaware of how remarkable she is, and thinks my mission is a perfectly normal way to spend a summer. In short, she's extraordinary. 

As you can tell, my parents are BA. In lieu of an actual photo of them, I am going to stick in a picture of the next best thing, historical BAMF couple John and Abigail Adams.

Kicking ass and taking names since 1764 

For now, I'm going to continue adding to this blog as I write about my experiences at presidential houses across the country, so stay tuned!

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