Sunday, May 12, 2013

That Time I Was on Jeopardy!

Me and Alex Trebek*
Over a year ago I took the online test for the Jeopardy! College Tournament. Friday night, my episode aired.

I mention this because in that year my entire time actually playing Jeopardy! clocked in under a half hour. That half hour was preceded by hours of waiting in a green room, building the anticipation. So when the half hour was over and I had lost, it was difficult to process.

Obviously, losing is never fun. I would be lying if I said I was thrilled to be knocked out after the first round. But now that I've seen the episode myself and had some time to think it over, I'm proud of what I accomplished.

Namely, that I managed to answer the questions I really cared about. This included a daily double about Crime and Punishment, my first ever Russian novel and the book that snowballed me into becoming a Russian major.
This was me when I got this question.
Then there was this gem:

Of all the presidents, I guess it makes sense that Millard Fillmore would be the one to show up on Jeopardy! He's best known as the obscure president with the funny name, but after last summer, I will always remember him as the one with the cardboard cutout.
I pose with Millard outside his home in East Aurora, NY.
But what I'm happiest about isn't really the questions I got right, or that I managed not to completely embarrass myself during the interview portion (although that was nice too). The thing that I'm most proud of is that I was myself. Like most people, I don't like to see myself on camera or hear recordings of my own voice, because I find it hard to believe that's what I really sound like, or that's how I really act.

When I watched myself, I didn't feel that way, because the Laura on TV was pretty much the same Laura I am every day. If a complete stranger watched me on Friday, I feel like they got a sense of what I'm actually like. This may not seem like a big deal, but it meant a lot to me.

Before I end this blog post, there's a lot of people I'd like to thank, starting with the Wellesley College community. The amount of support and encouragement I've gotten from the faculty, staff, students, and alumnae of Wellesley College has touched and humbled me. I feel so blessed to be a part of such an extraordinary community. I want to especially thank everyone who came to viewing in Collins Cinema on Friday night. You guys really made my day.
We watch Wheel of Fortune before Jeopardy! starts.
I would like to give special thanks to my ex-roommate/neighbor/non-biological sister Makenna, for making sure that when I got back from LA, this was awaiting me:

Next, I would like to thank all my aunts, uncles, and cousins who joined me on a weekly basis for google hangout study sessions. I had a blast, and also learned a lot (especially about baseball). I would like to give a special shout out to my Aunt Kay, who sent me a care package that included a stack of People magazines, sunglasses, and most importantly, sunscreen. If it were not for her, I would have been sunburned and miserable on national TV.

5AM. Studying hard at Boston Logan.
I would also like to give a quick shout out to my Academic Team coaches of the past: Mrs. Fernbacher, who looked at a quiet seventh grader and saw a competitor; Mrs. Case, Miss Roberts, and Mr. Ohl, who taught me how to win graciously and lose gracefully; and Caroline Hsu, my first Academic Team captain, whose intelligence is only outstripped by her kindness -- you continue to inspire me to be a better student and a better person.

Most importantly, I would like to thank my parents and my brother, who came and watched me at the studio. My brother took time off from discovering the mysterious of the universe to watch me play a game show, and to top it off knew the words I needed to hear most when I was done ("You didn't bet irrationally.") My dad drove me all over southern California, from San Dimas, to the Richard Nixon Birthplace, to Malibu, and when I'd finished my taping told me I did great (and meant it). Finally, I want to thank my mom, who ordered me room service, did my hair, and told me she was proud of me for showing my grit (and meant it). You guys are the best, and I love you all so much.

Finally, I would like to thank the cast and crew of Jeopardy! I had a great time, and I truly appreciate the amazing opportunity they gave me.

Thanks for reading! Now please enjoy these photographs of my time in California:

Paul and I express our love for San Dimas
(So-crates style)
I do the Richard Nixon in front of the helicopter
that took him out of Washington post-resignation.
I pose with Brezhnev and Krushchev at the
Richard Nixon Presidential Library in
Yorba Linda, CA.
Paul and I pose at the site of Jim Rockford's trailer in Malibu.

My first time in the Pacific Ocean.

*Many people have pointed out to me that this photo looks photoshopped. I chalk this up to the difference in skin tone between me and Alex Trebek. It should be noted that this photo was taken after the make-up lady "warmed up" my skin tone by four shades. I can only imagine what this photo would have looked look otherwise.   


Anonymous said...

We are so proud of our Godchild.
Your Aunt (me) would need Google to compete..

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, I just feel warm and fuzzy inside. :D Laura, you were always going to go far, and I'm terribly proud just to have been on your team. You have this amazing love of knowledge and are so much fun to hang around; the two will carry you wherever you want to go. :) Congrats on being on friggin' JEOPARDY, and all the best!!


Unknown said...

Terrific job, Laura. I could not suppress a shout at the Daily Double on C & P. I now have a good excuse to keep making AP kids read it. I am going to show them that clip every year if I can!