Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Plan

I've had several people ask me about the logistics of this project, so I thought I'd take some time to talk about The Plan.

I'm on a budget, which means given an option between several houses, ones that are closer to me will get higher priority. For example, there are several historic houses associated with Grant, but I'm planning on visiting the one in New York (Grant Cottage) because it's the closest to me. 

Also factoring into the decision to choose close homes over far away ones is that these trips will be made by car. I will be making excellent use of the Eisenhower Highway System this summer, along with several relatives and friends who have expressed their enthusiasm in visiting with me. 

Another consideration is that some presidential houses are still privately owned. I will try to arrange things with the family if possible, but if all else fails, I will substitute a house with a gravesite. 

I plan on starting my visits as soon as I get out of school for the semester. Unfortunately, many of the Historical Sites aren't open until after Memorial Day, so I'm trying to arrange visits during the offseason. 

There's more to come, so stay tuned!

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