Monday, May 14, 2012

Presidential Free Association: James K. Polk

This is part of a series called Presidential Free Association. I post the first word that comes to mind when I hear the name of the president, along with a brief explanation.


James K. Polk made essentially one campaign promise, but it was a doozy: as president, he would make sure the United States reached the Pacific. Manifest Destiny was popular back then, and this promise secured his election. In order to keep this promise, he started an unpopular and bloody war with Mexico that essentially ensured his defeat in the next election, but he did manage to keep that campaign promise during his one four year term. His determination to reach the Pacific caused him a lot of stress, and he died not long after leaving office. According to Truman, who considered Polk his favorite president, Polk  did "exactly what he wanted to do in a specified period of time and did it, and when he got through with it he went home."

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