Thursday, May 3, 2012

What Is This Blog?

Do you like presidents? Do you like old houses? Then this is the blog for you! This blog will be dedicated to my quest to visit as many presidential homes as possible in one summer.

In all likelihood, my tone will veer all over the place. This is mostly due to the fact that for every Monticello, there is also a Millard Fillmore birthplace (and was there ever a sillier presidential name than Millard Fillmore?). Each home has its own flavor and focus and so too will each blog post. I also anticipate there being some variance in length, since I can only say so much about Benjamin Harrison, while I could probably write a small encyclopedia on how I feel about Abraham Lincoln.

(After writing that last bit, it sounds like I am secretly pining away for Abraham Lincoln, which is probably more accurate than I would like to admit.)

That being said, I do not have my Ph. D. in history. I don't plan on taking myself or these people too seriously. Part of the fun of history is the foibles and quirks of people, and how the past is both totally foreign and utterly familiar. History can be instructive, but I think it's often entertaining, too.

There's more to come, so stay tuned!

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