Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Update: Feel the Illinoise

The western leg of the trip is almost complete. I have one more visit scheduled until a week long break. I thought I would be sick of the car by now, but I still find myself excited to move on to the next place. I apparently like road trips more than I thought. 

 The total tally of houses is now at ten for the trip, with 17 presidents down. Over the past two days I visited the Herbert Hoover birthplace, the Ronald Reagan Boyhood Home, and the Lincoln Home in Springfield. It was fun to be back somewhere I visited as a child, and I will post a longer entry about my visit soon. 

 There's more to come so stay tuned!


Lelia said...

Wait, Herbert Hoover was born 15 minutes from my house! Why did you not come to my house?!

Anonymous said...

The Land of Lincoln loves visitors!